Sometimes, Life Isn't Perfect...

Sometimes, life isn't perfect. Finding flaws in everything..and everyone.
A while ago, I snapped some pictures of my dressed dolls. 
These dolls were the ones displayed on my study table last month.
While I was putting and storing them away, I realized the imperfections they have- some stains, discoloration, unkempt hair...

My sister even pointed out that some of them have odd fashion sense. 
Well, I admit that I have a loooong way to go when it comes to styling doll fashion. 

Then it came to me the thought that I don't need to be perfect!
I can have dolls with imperfections and still be happy.
For example, this vintage licca chan(3rd generation) has blackish stain in her forehead?

Even so, I love her and the charm and vintagey misplaced nostalgia I feel upon gazing at her.

This Jenny doll here is pictured wearing horrible fashion (according to my sister) but I don't care. 

Another bad picture that was taken. This time, it's a Mimi doll.

Anyways, all I can say is that it's perfectly okay to be imperfect.

From the bottom of my heart, take care of your psyche and not be taken over of the imperfections of life. 

Life is worth living even if it's not perfect!

Love lots,



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